NECTA Matokeo Darasa la saba 2022 PSLE Results

NECTA Matokeo Darasa la saba 2022 PSLE Results


NECTA Matokeo Darasa la saba 2022/2023 PSLE Results


The PSLE is administered by NECTA in the second week of September every year. THE NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF TANZANIA (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973. NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations in Tanzania.


The objectives of PSLE are to assess learner’s skills and knowledge gained in the different subjects at primary school level; to assess learners understanding of the basic skills and abilities in reading, writing and arithmetic and the extent that they can use such skills in solving pertinent problems in life; and identify learners with the capacity to continue with secondary education and other training institutions.

How to check online NECTA standard seven 2022/2023 PSLE Results?


  1. To check the rate, first of all, go to the NECTA official website.
  2. After that on the home page, you have to click on the result option.
  3. Then find your region followed by your school district
  4. After that find your school
  5. Lastly find your name and view your result


A textbook for completing the Primary School Leaving Examination has been prepared by the Council
Tanzania Examinations based on the requirements of the Primary Education Curriculum
in 2015.


How To check Matokeo Darasa la Saba 2022

  1. Visit on NECTA Website at 
  2. Click on “Results” from the Main menu of NECTA’s Website
  3. The “Results” window will show all results available.
  4. Select “Exam Type” i.e  PSLE.
  5. Select your “Year” i.e  2022
  6. Students can now view their PLSE results
  7. List of school will be displayed
  8. Click on Alphabet letter in which the school you studied belong example “B for Butimba Primary School
  9. Now View your Results / Matokeo – 2022 in the list


When will the seventh-grade results come out?

The results of class seven will be out soon


Top 10 best Students Matokeo Darasa la saba  2022 – standard seven NECTA results 2022

These stages feel like are quite lengthy and you also continue facing problems in finding Matokeo Ya darasa la saba 2022 – Form Six results 2022

This format will be applicable to Completed Exam candidates
Primary Education 2021. The new curriculum has identified the essential subjects that will be taught in Class III to
VII. The subjects are Kiswahili, English Language, Mathematics, Science and
Technology, Citizenship and Ethics, Social Knowledge and Work Skills.


Changes in the curriculum, led to improvements in the syllables of the subjects
Grades III to VII. Thus, the Examinations Council will evaluate six (6) subjects which are
Kiswahili, English Language, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Citizenship and Ethics
and Social Knowledge and Work Skills.


However, in this format no changes have been made in the structure of
a test of all subjects examined at this level of education. Test Structure
of Primary Education Completion will continue to have 40 questions to choose the right answer
and will continue to be answered in Optical Mark Reader (OMR) forms. In addition, questions
five (5) will be answered on the other side of the OMR form (Please see Attachments).


This format is prepared in accordance with the five-paragraph structure which is Introduction,
General Objectives, General Skills, Test Structure and Skills to be measured by
every subject. In addition, the Examination Table is set at the end of each subject format and
indicates the competencies to be measured, the cognitive fields, the number of questions and the percentage of
weight for each nimble.


In general, the format provides guidance for examiners, reviewers
test questions by teachers in preparing exams based on fairness, legitimacy and
reliable. The Council emphasizes all competence in all subjects taught
at the primary education level, they should be taught based on lesson outlines


This Primary School Leaving Examination Format should not be used as an alternative
of summaries.

The Examinations Council recognizes and appreciates the contribution of all participants
make improvements to this format book.

When will Students get their NECTA Matokeo Darasa la saba ?

Students who took the NECTA seventh grade exam will get the results online immediately after the results are announced by NECTA Tanzania


When will NECTA Darasa la saba results be available?

On January 2023, NECTA are Expected to Release Matokeo Darasa la saba 2022

Where To Watch Matokeo ya Darasa la Saba 2022

It is easy to see the results of Class Seven 2022/2023 because you can see them through various sources, one of them is the blog of but you can also see them through the NECTA.GO.TZ website or through SMS

10 Best Students Matokeo Darasa la Saba 2022-2023

These are the 10 best students who have done better in their overall results compared to other students who took the seventh-grade exam 2022/2023


NB: The results of Standard Seven have not yet been officially released, but they will be released in November or December on the first dates


FOR More Information Visit Here


For More Updates Visit Here

NECTA Matokeo Darasa la saba 2021/2022 PSLE Results




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Start out by involving the parents. Even if you don’t think the parents will make a difference, you should still involve them early on. In the end, it’s the parents’ job to teach their kids, not ours, so they need to know what’s going on.

But don’t just tell them that their child isn’t doing well. Tell them what they can do to help in a specific way. Many parents want to help, but they aren’t sure how. Say things like, “We all want so-and-so to succeed, and I think he will if…”

(Speaking of parents, if you have some that are getting hard to deal with, check out my post “What to Do with the Parent Who’s Driving You Crazy”

Help the student on purpose whenever you can. How you do this will depend on your grade level and how your class is set up, but make it a priority to help your failing students whenever you can. In my middle school math class, I gave students time to work on problems so I could move around and help individuals. Even if your failing students didn’t raise their hands, make it a point to check on them. And if they do raise their hand, give them the most attention.

Support them. Considering how frustrated and down we can get when our students aren’t doing well, just think how they must feel. Yes, sometimes it seems like they don’t care, but this is often just a way for them to hide how frustrated they are. We need to give them as much support as we can. Praise them for even the smallest successes or improvements, and tell them that you believe in them and think they can succeed.

Give people the chance to think about themselves. Help the student think about himself or herself. This will depend on their age, but for middle school and high school, I give them a short questionnaire that asks them to 1) list all the reasons they think they are failing and 2) write down a plan for how to improve. Then go over it with them, giving them encouragement and more ideas (and occasionally prodding them to think a little deeper).

We all know that when you ask a student a question like this, they might just look blank. But don’t let them get away with it. Wait and give them time to think about it (while you do something else, of course). Or, ask questions like “Do you think not doing your homework is part of the problem?” to get the conversation going.

See what you can do to help. We don’t do this enough, even though it’s a simple idea. Ask the student who isn’t doing well what you can do as a teacher to help. You might not get much of a response, but you might be surprised by what they say. Then you should definitely do what you can.

Look for underlying problems. Try to figure out what the real problems are that are making them struggle. Do they really have a problem learning? Do you have troubles at home? Do they need eyesight aids? Are they playing video games too much? We often try to fix the effects of a problem without ever getting to the cause.

Make them do their classwork. I know it’s easier to say than to do, but do whatever you can to get them to finish their work. Don’t just let them off the hook; they should at least try hard. See the post 17 Ways to Get Your Students to Actually Do Their Work for more ideas on how to make this happen.

Don’t stop trying with them. We can’t give up on our students, even when it seems like nothing will ever change. Sometimes the results won’t show up for months or even years, but that doesn’t mean we’re wasting our time. We need to have faith in our students and show them that we do. It’s a choice we make, not something that depends on how we feel at the moment.

If nothing else works, let them fail. When you’ve done everything, you can and it’s time to give them a grade, and it’s clear that they deserve an F, give them an F. Now, I know that this isn’t allowed in some schools, which is a shame, but if it isn’t, go ahead and write the F on the report card.

Just moving them on to the next grade or course doesn’t help them, and often what they need most is to go through the course again.

Students who had to retake my Algebra I class showed me how useful this can be (either because they failed or as a recommendation because they barely passed). The second time around, they always do much better, and they leave the course with more confidence. Not helping them by just sending them on to Algebra II would have set them up for more failure and confusion.

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