500 Job Opportunities At UHAMIAJI
500 Job Opportunities At UHAMIAJI
The Commissioner General of Immigration is announcing 500 job opportunities for young Tanzanians who have graduated from the National Building Force (JKT) or the Economic Building Force (JKU) in the camps or outside the camps. In addition, all applicants should have the following qualifications:-
1 Be a citizen of Tanzania;
ii. He/she has attended and graduated from the training of the National Building Force (JKT) or the Economic Building Force (JKU) in the camps or has already returned to the Uraiani;
iii. He/she is unemployed or has never been employed by any Government Institution;
iv. Be ready to attend the initial training of the Immigration Force;
V. Have a Birth Certificate;
v. Have a National Identity Card or Identity Number issued by the National Identity Authority (NIDA) or a Mzanzibari Identity Card;
vii. He should be in good physical and mental health certified by the Government Doctor, viii. He has never used drugs.
ix. He should not have any Records or Information to be involved in Harifu events or issues;
X. He should not have any marks or drawings (Tattoos) in his body;
xi. Whether he is single or married or has a child;
xii. Be ready to work anywhere in Tanzania;
xiii. An applicant with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher Diploma or Diploma or Diploma must be between 18 years old and no more than 30 years old; in one of the following fields:- Engineering, Construction Estimator (QS), Architect, Linguists (French, Abyssinian, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Communication for people with special needs - Sign Languages), Systems Architect Electronic (System Developers), System Security (Cyber ​​or System Security), Software Developers and Programmers, and Busines System Analysts or Marines (Maritime Technology), Electronics and Telecommunications, Mechanics; as well as fields such as Psychology, Law, Supply and Purchasing, Accounting or Financial Management, Administration and Management of Natural Resources, and Statistics.
xiv. The Sixth or Fourth Form applicant must be at least 18 years old and no more than 28 years old. In addition, the applicant should have a Professional Certificate from various Colleges recognized by the Government in the following fields:-Electricity, Tailoring, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Air Conditioning Engineering (AC), Driving, Secretarial, Record Keeping, Carpentry, Plumbing, Sound Engineering, Printing Technician and Graphic Designing. It should be noted that Applicants with the above-mentioned Professions will be given priority.
XV. Be ready to work for the Immigration Department anywhere in Tanzania.
xvi. He should be ready to pay for himself in all the monitoring and running stages of this employment exercise.
The applicant must write a letter of application for employment in his own hand along with a telephone number where he can be reached at all times. Along with the application letter, he should also attach the following documents:-
i. Letter of Identification from the Ward Executive or Local/Village Government or Shehia;
ii. Applicants who are in Camps, their letters should be sent to the Heads of the respective Camps;
iii. A copy of the Certificate of Completion of the Training of the National Building Force (JKT) or the Economic Building Force (JKU);
iv. Copy of Birth Certificate;
v. Copy of National Identity Card (NIDA) or Identity number from the National Identity Authority or Mzanzibari Identity Card;
v. Copy of school leaving certificates and academic certificates;
vii. Copy of other certificates in various fields;
viii. Applicant's Curriculum Vitae (CV);
ix. Four (04) (Passport size) photographs with navy blue color;
IMPORTANT AND NOTE: Copies of all certificates must be attested by the Commissioner of Oaths or a Judge.
a) Applicants in Tanzania Mainland should send their applications to:-
Kamishna Jenerali wa Uhamiaji,
4 Barabara ya Mwangosi,